Our lawyers - Your contacts
Our lawyers are all highly qualified in their field of expertise and fluent in several languages. Their international background makes them particularly suited for clients with cross-border and interdisciplinary matters.
Prof. Dr. iur. Toni Amonn - Attorney-at-law
Core competences
Swiss and International Tax Law
Curriculum vitae
1990:Bar admission, Canton of Berne
1991 - 1997:Assistant at the Institute of Tax Law at the University of Berne
1997 - 1999:International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation in Amsterdam (IBFD)
1999 - 2014:v.Fischer Recht/Law
since 2004:Lecturer at the University of Berne
since 2014:Law Firm Switzerland
German, English, French, Italian, Dutch
Magnhild Gillesvik, Assistant
Peter Geiger - lic. iur., TEP
Core competences
Trust Law / Inheritance Law / Contract Law / Tax Law / Migration Law
Curriculum vitae
1999:lic. iur. University of Berne and Amsterdam
1999 - 2003:Orange Communications SA
2003 - 2004:Department for Economic Affairs of the canton of Berne
since 2004:Relocation Switzerland AG
since 2008:Family Office Switzerland AG
since 2014:Law Firm Switzerland
German, English, Dutch, French
Magnhild Gillesvik, Assistant
Bruno Wägli - Attorney-at-law
Core competences
Commercial Law / Contract Law / Intellectual property Law and Competition Law / Agency Law and Distribution Agreements / Divorce Law
Curriculum vitae
1988:Bar admission, Canton of Berne
1989 - 1990:language and work stay in England
1990 - 1993:Legal counsel of a Swiss watch group
1993 - 2014:v.Fischer Recht/Law
since 2014:Law Firm Switzerland
German, English, French
Roder Stefanie, Assistant
Martin Kindler - Attorney-at-law, Notary
Core competences
Notary / Inheritance Law / Property Law / Contract Law / Corporate Law / Foundation Law
Curriculum vitae
1994:Bar admission, Canton of Berne
1994 - 1997:Advokaturbüro Kindler, Bern
1997:Notary license
1997 - 2014:Advokatur am Bärenplatz
since 2014:Law Firm Switzerland
German, English, French
Magnhild Gillesvik - Assistant
Stefanie Roder - Assistant
Arian Maleta - Attorney-at-law, Certified Tax Expert
Core competences
Swiss and International Tax Law
Curriculum vitae
2011: Bar admission, Canton of Berne
2012 - 2014: Attorney-at-law in an international operating law firm based in Zurich in the area of national and international tax law
2014 - 2017: Attorney at law in the General Counsel Division of a major Swiss bank
2016: Diploma as a Swiss Certified Tax Expert
2017 - 2019: Partner in a business and tax law firm, Canton of Berne
since 2019: Law Firm Switzerland
since 2021: Expert judge Tax Appeals Commission, Canton of Berne
German, English, French
Matthias Lüdi - Attorney-at-law
Core competences
Inheritance Law / Contract Law / Commercial Law / Swiss and International Tax Law / Employment and Tenancy Law
Curriculum vitae
2019: Bar admission, Canton of Berne
since 2019: Law Firm Switzerland
German, English, French
Magnhild Gillesvik, Assistant
Maurits Kinsbergen - Attorney-at-law
Core competences
Swiss and International Tax Law / Compiance and Riskmanagement / Corporate Governance
Curriculum vitae
2022: Bar admission, Canton of Berne
2022-2024: Attorney-at-law in a Federal Authority
German, French, English, Dutch
Fabian Amonn - Lawyer
Core competences
Tax Law / Art Law / Cybercrime
Curriculum vitae
2007 - 2017:Police of the Canton of Berne
since 2017Law Firm Switzerland
German, English, French